Forecast 2026 Agenda Coming Soon!

Here’s a look at the outstanding Forecast 2025 agenda

7:30-8:20 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
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8:20-8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Liz Alesse, Vice President, ABC Audio, ABC News
Jack Abernethy, CEO, Fox Television Stations
Deborah Parenti, President/Publisher, Radio Ink and RBR+TVBR
Juliet Huddy, Forecast MC
Liz AlesseJack AbernethyDeborah ParentiJuliet Huddy

8:30-9:15 a.m.
Economic Forecasting: Broadcast Revenue Trends and Expectations for 2025
2025 will be a year of change, challenge, and opportunity. Whatever the outcome of the election, there are bound to be changes impacting broadcasters coming from Capitol Hill, new governmental agency appointments, and a continuously churning global political and economic environment. Not to mention, no political or Olympic dollars pouring in as they have in 2024. How will broadcast advertising revenues in the U.S. be affected? Where are the biggest areas of opportunity? And how will AI alter the landscape? Our panel of experts will share their perspectives and insights in this provocative session.
Moderator: Andrew Rosen, Partner/CPA, Miller Kaplan
Lucas Cridland, CEO, BMG 360
Justin Nielson, Principal Analyst, Kagan
Nicole Ovadia, VP/Forecasting & Analysis, BIA Advisory
Matt Sweeney, Chief Investment Officer, GroupM U.S
Andrew RosenLucas Cridland Justin NielsonNicole OvadiaMatt Sweeney

9:15-10:00 a.m.
Prospects for Broadcast Media as an Investment in 2025: The Real Street Talk
Broadcast’s battle for eyeballs and ears has never been more hotly contested than now, by an ever-expanding host of digital and non-linear platforms. So is there still value in transmitters and towers? And are its digital assets enough to convince that when combined with broadcast, it can deliver better than any other comers? This panel of investment specialists takes a hard, pragmatic look at what investors are saying about radio and TV today. You may not like everything they say but you definitely need to hear it.
Moderator: Randy Michaels, Radioactive, LLC
Jamie Ellis, Partner, Chilmark Partners
Jeff Haley, Principal,CometPartners
Dick Kozacko, Media Consultant, Kozacko Media Services
Randy MichaelsJamie EllisJeff HaleyDick Kozacko

Main Street Media: Where Local Broadcast Survives & Thrives
They are creative, nimble, and understand how to maximize the importance of local radio and television. They are independent and small broadcast groups, and this session explores their “secret sauce” that enables them to be competitive, successful, and innovative in an ever-changing media environment.
Moderator: Dennis Wharton, former EVP/Communications, NAB
DuJuan McCoy, Owner, President & CEO, Circle City Broadcasting
Barry Fisher, President/GM, WFMZ-TV & WDPN-TV
Kelly Trask, Owner, BK Media Solutions/Southern Indiana Radio Network
Jose Villafañe, Founder/Managing Partner/CEO, Nueva Network and Costa Media
Dennis WhartonDuJuan McCoyBarry FisherKelly TraskJose Villafañe

10:45 -11:00 a.m.
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11:00-11:35 a.m.
Tech Hacks Every Broadcast Leader Needs to Know
The dynamic worlds of media and technology are converging at breakneck speed. How can broadcast organizations not only keep up with the changes, but also strategically get the edge on the competition?  Fred Jacobs joins Brian Comiskey, Senior Director, Innovation and Trends for the Consumer Technology Association, to lead a lively discussion and answer questions about “what’s next?”
Fred Jacobs, President/Founder, Jacobs Media Strategies
Brian Comiskey, Sr. Director/Innovation and Trends and Resident Futurist, Consumer Technology Association
Fred JacobsBrian Comiskey


11:45 a.m. -1:30 p.m.      
Luncheon Program
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Noon-12:20 p.m.
Lifetime Leadership Awards
Leo MacCourtney, Retired President/CEO, Katz TV
Erica Farber, Retired CEO, Radio Advertising Bureau

12:40-1:20 p.m.
Insights from David Schulte on Chilmark’s Transformative Role in Broadcasting
Juliet Huddy sits down with David Schulte for a fascinating insider’s look at financial strategies, industry trends, and how private equity and restructuring expertise has impacted the media sector. Well known in the broadcast industry for its involvement with Jacor Communications, the firm’s strategic guidance, acquisition support, leadership involvement, and financial restructuring was instrumental in transforming the group  into one of the largest radio broadcasters in the country, ultimately leading to its $4.4 billion acquisition by Clear Channel Communications in 1998. Enjoy a front row seat as Juliet delves into the art of some of broadcasting’s biggest recent deals with David and how today’s landscape might alter those incubating today.
Juliet Huddy with David Schulte, Managing Principal, Chilmark Partners
Juliet HuddyDavid Schulte
1:20-1:30 p.m.
2024 Fantasy Gifts & Experiences Auction Preview benefiting
Broadcasters Foundation of America and Library of American Broadcasting Foundation

1:45-2:30 p.m.
Signals of Change: What’s on the Docket for 2025
In the aftermath of the election, what do the tea leaves say about what a new FCC will look like and who will lead it? And what issues impacting broadcasters will be front and center at the Commission and on Capitol Hill? Would a new Democratic Republican FCC chair take a greater interest in broadcast ownership rules? What kind of impact could Congressional regulation of AI have on broadcasters both as users of AI and as content creators? And will Congress move on AM on the dash before deadline? The panel will explore these issues and more in a thought-provoking conversation about what to expect from Washington in 2025.
Moderator: Seth Williams, Attorney, Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth
David Donovan, President/Executive Director, New York State Broadcasters Association
Robert Folliard, SVP/Government Relations & Distribution, Gray Television

Rick Kaplan, Chief Legal Officer/EVP, Legal and Regulatory Affairs,
National Association of Broadcasters
Chris Ornelas, EVP/General Counsel, Beasley Media Group
Seth WilliamsDavid DonovanRobert FolliardRick KaplanChris Ornelas


2:30–3:30 p.m.
AI Unplugged: Transforming the Future of Radio and TV Broadcasting
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Matt Britton explores how AI is revolutionizing the broadcast landscape for both radio and TV, transforming everything from content creation and programming decisions to audience targeting and dynamic advertising. Attendees will discover how AI is automating workflows, driving deeper audience engagement, and opening new avenues for creativity. Matt will also highlight how broadcasters can harness AI to optimize ad revenues, create hyper-personalized experiences, and stay ahead in an evolving media landscape.
Matt Britton

3:30-3:45 p.m.
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3:45-4:30 p.m.
The Battle to Keep Newsroom Lights On
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Last year, Lou Paskalis delivered a compelling presentation advocating the need for advertisers to support news organizations in defense of truth and where radio needed to better position itself with the proper prospects. Meanwhile, the NAB has been on the forefront in fighting for legislative and regulatory policies that support broadcasters’ commitment to serving their local communities. Forecast is pleased to bring Lou Paskalis of AdFontis Media, the NAB’s Curtis LeGeyt, and special guest David Sable, Vice Chair of the global marketing and communications group Stagwell, together for a chat led by ABC News’ Steven Portnoy about what broadcasters need to know about marketers’ concerns in advertising in news products and, on the other side of the table, how advertisers can help preserve local journalism in its battle to preserve and present the truth.
Moderator: Steven Portnoy, National Correspondent, ABC News
Curtis LeGeyt, President/CEO, National Association of Broadcasters
Lou Paskalis, CEO and Founder, AJL Advisory and Chief Strategy Officer, Ad Fontes Media
David Sable, Executive Vice Chair, Stagwell Global
Steven PortnoyCurtis LeGeytLou PaskalisDavid Sable


4:30-5:20 p.m.
Executive Super Session
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They are the visionaries and the ultimate “deciders” of where the broadcasting industry will go in the years to come. They wield the power and the influence to chart the course that will impact not only broadcast career paths but listening and viewership potential against a host of non-licensed competitors. What are they thinking, and where do they see broadcasting headed next year and beyond? We asked four major industry leaders to share their perspectives and insights in a fascinating session led by NewsNation’s Lee Harris.
Moderator: Lee Harris, New York Bureau Chief/Director of Integrated Operations, NewsNation and WGN Radio
Jack Abernethy, CEO, Fox Television Stations
Liz Alesse, Vice President, ABC Audio, ABC News
Rob Babin, EVP/Head of Radio, Cox Media Group
Michael Hayes, President, Hearst Television
Lee HarrisJack AbernethyLiz AlesseRob BabinMichael Hayes

5:20-5:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks

5:30-7:30 p.m.
Broadcast Leadership Reception
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Broadcast Leadership Plaques
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*Sessions and times subject to change.